The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and the Association of the Public Ministry of the State of RN (Ampern) have signed an agreement benefiting local public safety. Representatives from the involved organizations participated in a meeting on Thursday, the 13th, at the UFRN Rectorate, where they were received by the vice-rector Henio Ferreira de Miranda, who learned the details of the police management system developed by the Smart Metropolis project of the Digital Metropolis Institute (IMD/UFRN). Under the new agreement, Ampern will allocate funds so that UFRN can innovate and implement the platform in Mossoró.

The Central of Assistance and Dispatch (CAD) was created in partnership with technology-developing police officers from the Integrated Center for Public Security Operations (Ciosp) to integrate data for managing and optimizing activities such as phone calls to the 190 number, dispatching patrol cars, and monitoring incidents in real-time. In operation for two years, CAD serves as a model for public safety agencies throughout Brazil.

The RN Secretary of Public Safety, Colonel Francisco Araújo Silva, and the Ciosp coordinator, Colonel Kleber Macedo, emphasized the system’s relevance to the unit’s work in Greater Natal, which previously depended on companies charging high fees to maintain the old system. The expansion of CAD will be the next step, based on the partnership with Ampern. According to the State Attorney General, Elaine Cardoso, UFRN is crucial in this process through Smart Metropolis.

For more information, visit: [UFRN News](
[Ampern News](


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