O Smart Metropolis, an initiative of the Digital Metropolis Institute (IMD/UFRN) specializing in solutions for Smart Cities, was internationally recognized in the last month of 2021. During a congress held in Estonia, the program received an award for the best published paper, which focuses on creating a technological mechanism to facilitate the verification of COVID-19 vaccination for entry into foreign countries.

Titled “Using Fiware and Blockchain in Post Pandemic Vaccination Scenario,” the paper was presented during the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA 2021), held virtually in Tartu, Estonia. The award-winning article was authored by researcher Stefano Loss, a PhD student in the Graduate Program in Systems and Computing at UFRN, along with professors Frederico Lopes and Nélio Cacho, vice-coordinator of Smart Metropolis, and Har Preet Singh, a collaborator from the FIWARE Foundation who presented the research during the event.

With this achievement, Smart Metropolis has now earned eight awards from national and international initiatives and companies. In the realm of blockchain, this marks the group’s second award—previously, researchers were honored with the best paper award at the same international conference in 2019 (2nd edition).

According to Professor Frederico Lopes, coordinator of Smart Metropolis, the work proposes the use of tools to assist in the interoperability of international systems that verify COVID-19 vaccination, particularly for foreign travelers.

For more information, visit: [UFRN News](https://www.ufrn.br/imprensa/noticias/54522/smart-metropolis-e-premiado-por-artigo-sobre-blockchain-e-vacinacao)

Categories: Publications


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