Last Wednesday (06), the State Government launched the “Salve Elas” app, developed by the Smart Metropolis project (IMD-UFRN), integrated with the structure of the Integrated Center for Public Security Operations (CIOSP). Now, women assisted by the Specialized Police Station for Women’s Assistance can request protection directly through their mobile phones, which will automatically indicate their location to the Military Police. The app becomes an additional channel for protection and also creates a community support network around the user.


The app, launched during the ceremony for the Global Campaign to End Violence Against Women – 21 Days of Activism, was donated by former Currais Novos councilwoman Tércia Leda to the State Government, which promoted its integration into the Ciosp structure. Now, women can request protection directly through their mobile phones, which will automatically indicate their location to the Military Police. The app becomes an additional channel for protection and also creates a community support network around the user.

“Our government works as a team and has made the most progress in concrete struggles in defense of women. For instance, only 5 women’s police stations were established in 30 years, and now seven more have been set up in the last four years. We also established the Shelter House in Mossoró, which has a multidisciplinary team to support women victims of violence. We need to advance, and only with men and women who value peace, solidarity, and respect will we succeed,” emphasized the governor.

The Ciosp coordinator, Colonel Carlos Monteiro, explained that “Salve Elas” represents the latest in terms of vehicle dispatch technology. “It will change the landscape of domestic violence response,” he declared.

Cover photo: Carmem Felix. Text adapted from TCM News by Taysa Nunes. Original link.

Categories: Salve Elas RN


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