Paper accepted at the 3rd International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA2021)

Between November 15 and 17, the Third International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA2021) took place, organized by IEEE in partnership with the University of Tartu. One of the highlighted papers during the conference was “Using FIWARE and Blockchain in Post Pandemic Vaccination Scenario,” written by the coordinators of Read more…

RN Government launches app developed by Smart Metropolis to combat violence against women.

Last Wednesday (06), the State Government launched the “Salve Elas” app, developed by the Smart Metropolis project (IMD-UFRN), integrated with the structure of the Integrated Center for Public Security Operations (CIOSP). Now, women assisted by the Specialized Police Station for Women’s Assistance can request protection directly through their mobile phones, Read more…