Established in November 2018, the conception of the Centralized Call and Dispatch Center of Rio Grande do Norte (CAD-RN) emerged from the partnership between CIOSP and the Smart Metropolis project. The solution enables the entire management of security incidents from the call to 190 to the dispatch of the attending patrol vehicle, involving actions from call operators, dispatchers, patrol officers, and commanders. The tool is ready to facilitate the establishment of regional centers, agencies, sectors, and units, as well as to facilitate the creation, handling, and management of multi-agency events and incidents, meaning those that require the involvement of more than one public agency (including: military police, civil police, firefighters, municipal guards, SAMU, etc.). Thus, the system allows for linking security events according to complexity and jurisdiction among the involved institutions, as well as enabling data integration across different spheres of government agencies.
One of the indispensable requirements for CIOSP is that this system must allow for easy and cost-effective integration with external applications, as one of the future projections for the center is to integrate with other solutions from the Department of Public Security and Social Defense (SESED).
In terms of technologies, CAD was developed using ReactJS on the front-end, Java (Spring Boot) on the back-end, PostgreSQL and MongoDB as databases, RabbitMQ for messaging, and OpenStreetMaps for georeferenced data. In terms of context, CAD falls within the realm of Public Security.